This project represents the design process of the "Vote" posters. These posters were designed to encourage people to participate in the 2016 election. The winning posters, selected by Portland Public Library, were hung in the windows of Public Library during the election week. 
Developing several very different ideas for the posters. In my first poster I concentrated on the appealing to the people of different ages, races, and social statuses. The second one represents the check mark with a sign encouraging people to voice their opinion. The idea behind the third poster was to show people that by participating in the election we're leaving our print in the history. The poster with lobsters, representing both political parties, concentrated on the reaching out specifically to Maine community reflecting the local issues that were on the Maine ballot of 2016 election.
The winning design selected for the display in the windows of Portland Public Library was the poster with lobsters.
The "lobster" poster was also a part of the home page of Portland Public Library website during the election week.
"Go Vote" poster

"Go Vote" poster

"Vote" poster was designed to support 2016 election and encourage people to vote.
