Perfil de Ricardo Pereira

Caipirinha Party - Design & Video

Festa da Caipirinha
Event Video and Graphic Design, 2012

This project is one of my earliest and oldest commercial works, dating back to 2012.
The event was a caipirinha party near my hometown, and the project included a marketing poster and post-event video. While editing this project, I had a tremendous amount of fun.

I edited the event's presentation poster using Adobe Photoshop and edited the video in Adobe Premiere Pro. Even though I was very young, my technique with both of these tools was already quite developed.

In reality, there were not a lot of people at the party. Therefore I carefully made all the video recording and editing to give the impression that the party was much bigger than it was in reality.
>1. Presentation Poster_

>2. Post-event video_
Caipirinha Party - Design & Video
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Caipirinha Party - Design & Video

Poster Art, and video image and editing by myself. Video music by the electronic band Outfilters.

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