La Garza

La Garza is a Colombian art project that gathers 140 artists, both high-profile and incipient, who create and donate artworks of similar characteristics based on La Garza, a seagull sculpture featured atop a Bogotan fountain designed by Gustave Eiffel. The exposed artworks will be sold for the same price and the artist’s name is not revealed until all pieces are sold, thus inviting buyers to acquire the pieces based on their aesthetics alone. Funds will be sued to restore the fountain.

The brand’s design aimed to balance the modern and classic. The logo is a replica of the seagull with elegant stroked that are mimicked in the typography. Balance with the classic was achieved by using black-and-white images of Tiziano’s Sacred and Profane Love where women and children surround a fountain –this also makes a reference about water returning to the restored fountain.

La Garza

La Garza

La Garza 2016 - La Garza is a Colombian art project that gathers 140 artists, both high-profile and incipient, who create and donate artworks of Read More
