For this project we were to create a business and build an identity system for that company. Seeing an opportunity to do something I will never get to do, I chose to do a mythical creature pet shop where you can buy a dragon or unicorn as well as any supplies any new pet owner would possibly need. We needed to create a log as well as other collateral items that were more than just the logo slapped on a label. 

For my concept I went with a look that embodied a mythical feel, while still having a sleek design. My ORIGINAL concept was much more leaning towards the mythical feel, but changed direction after my initial logo building process. When I was brainstorming I knew I didn't want to rip off Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, I avoided anything that felt like a rip off like the plague. I decided to create the happy medium I was going for was to go with a mythical color palette and utilized watercolor blotches as a part of the identity system, while keeping half of the text choices and the actual logo mark very clean. 

The beginning of my process in developing this identity was to establish my incredibly large color palette of deep jewel tones and subdued colors that all intermingle well with each other. I utilized the wacom tablet to develop my style of the logo and splotches. I also researched pet shops and what they wanted in a pet store for their furry and scaly friends. 

The biggest thing I learned was how to make the watercolor splotches without just pulling a free-usage blotch and create a system of symbols with the splotches. I also furthered my skills with the wacom tablet, which has been a great help on my projects of late. I think one of the greatest things I learned was building my skills with photoshop. Outside the logo and the splotches I made, everything on this project was built in photoshop. 


During my research, I came to find out most people who are pet owners or looking for pets want a one stop shop.  They want to go to one store, with their pet, and purchase everything they need. It is also within the best interest of the company to be able to offer everything a pet owner or potential pet owner in one go. This is because buying a pet is usually a happy, exciting moment in a family or person’s life, so in their rush of excitement they purchase much more equipment and supplies rather than someone who has to go to two different locations for both adoption services and supplies.

During the adoption process, most patrons want a sense that the shop workers are professionals and not just “teenagers with a minimum wage job,” especially in the case of a pet. For most, a pet is on par with a child or member of the family; therefore, a pet shop needs to have a sense that the workers are specially trained and fully capable of taking the utmost care of your darling pet. With most pet shops, pet owners really enjoy a sense of community within their shopping experience. They want to bring in their pets to shop with them and they want an environment that makes them believe that their pet’s presence is wanted. This again adds to the concept that the pet is their family and part of the pet shop’s family as well.

Another drawing point for pet owners or potential pet owners is that there is a wide variety of selections. Whether it be food, toys, clothes, exercise equipment, or medicine a patron who is shopping at a specialty pet shop obviously wants something that is the absolute best that money can buy to care for their “precious monster,” while still adding a child-like quality to the shopping experience. Obviously with most pets, saying they “want” the blue toy over the red one obviously isn’t accurate. The pet doesn’t care, but the patron is assimilating how they feel onto their pet. As a pet store, we have to go along with the charade that the dog/cat/dragon actually has a preference to which color leash they have.
One thing that I feel most patrons would appreciate is a pet shop with an on-site vet. Not many pet shops have an on-site vet clinic. There are a few that have groomers and boarding, but this particular shop will also have a certified vet. This is to add to the overall feeling of a professional, specially trained environment AS WELL as being a one stop shop. The basis of good sales is that a happy customer spends more. If you just received news that your beloved furry/scaly/ feathery member of your family has survived a medical condition, obviously you’re going to want to celebrate by buying stuff for your suffering pet.
Petco and PetSmart both try to offer a full package, without really offering a full package. A pet owner needs a reliable vet, groomer, possible obedience school, all the equipment needed to have a healthy pet, pets that have obviously not been bred on a farm, kennel boarding, and a staff that is educated and loves what they do. The competition for my Fantasy Pet Shop has a reputation of being a “bunch of kids with another minimum wage job.” I think by offering all of the above listed services, a staff that has been trained and wants to make a career out of this business, and supplying a sense of community to the pet owning / adopting experience, will lead to a successful business endeavor. 


Mystic Hallow
Adopt mythical animals and supplies to take care of your fire-breathing, goo-oozing, incantation-muttering family friend!!
Target Market: Anyone who is in search of a pet. Anyone who wants a life-long partner for frineds, family, forgotten old people. All lifestyles accepted. Anyone who would want a pet. Upperclass Whte Family? There’s a griffin for them. Lonely old man who yells at kids who get to close to his lawn? We have a Cerberus for him.  College guy who wants to distract himself because he doesn’t have a girlfriend? Teacup dragon for him.
Products and Services: You can adopt any type of magical create at any size. We do not sell any creatures that are too closely related to humans (mermaids, elves, etc.) We also offer grooming services as well as all supplies you need to care for your fantastical pet.  The purpose of this company is to be the sole provider of mythical animals and their needs  in the world.

Tag Lines:
So your parents said you couldn’t have a puppy?
Compensating for something? Try a Hydra, they have nine heads.
Why wouldn’t you get a 35 ft dragon, I mean it’s not like Animal control is really gonna come and slay a 35ft dragon on $15 an hour. That’s not hero pay. I mean, heck, at least in the fantasy books they got a kingdom or princess or something. But Jeremy has to pay $60 on his co-pay for medical insurance and drives a 98 taurus, nah that dragon next door will continue to roast your children alive.
Mystic Hallow, make everyone regret ever being mean to you.
Mystic Hallow, bathe in the blood of your enemies or cuddle a unicorn,Your choice.
Mystic Hallow, when living in your parent’s basement just isn’t enough.
Mystic Hallow, adopt a leprechaun they literally shit gold
Mystic Hallow, yes we do have pooper scoopers that big
Mystic Hallow, Narina ain’t got shit on us
Mystic Hallow, no refunds
Tired of those pesky kids on your lawn? Mystic Hallow
Tired of your boring office job? Slaughter nearby villages instead. 

This was my original logo mark. It worked at smaller sizes but seemed very closed in. It wasn't a loose enough mark for the vibe I wanted my business to have. 
After establishing what I wanted to further my mark to look like, it was back to the drawing board. Yes, that small white paper is my actual art board. I like to work everywhere but there. 
And finally, my final logo marks and collateral items!!
Mystic Hallow

Mystic Hallow
