Rage Tea
Packaging Collection
What’s the taste of attraction? And Rock&Roll?
Can a food product such as tea be sold like a young fashion complement?
Rage tea is the answer to these questions. In this project I wanted to develop the branding
strategy and graphic communication of an innovative that would cover a niche in the market of tea.
The target, young and dynamic people at ages 20 to 35, would be interested
in the valuables identified with the fashion market visual styles.
The jeans style and the exotic flavours are represented in the naming of the series:
Pure Recharge, Pure Rage, Pure Attraction, Pure Industry, Pure Rock&Roll and Pure Jeans.
In addition, the dynamic spirit and the quality of the tea are both preserved with the format of
single dose tubes of instant tea.

Rage Tea
The series of flavours have the same common elements
that distinguish the product: an impressive background picture and bright
complementary colour set.

Rage Tea

Rage Tea

What’s the taste of attraction? And Rock&Roll? Can a food product such as tea be sold like a young fashion complement? Rage tea is the answer to Read More
