CD vs Digital download
The task for this assignment was to display a visual argument with the use of typography and shapes only.
Me and a classmate figured we would argue about music as we seem to both be massive fans of music. The argument was focussed on CD's vs digital downloads. As i see myself as being tech savvy i chose to represent for the digital downloads, i wanted to try and explain why downloading is easier, faster and more convenient. Fans of music nowadays probably do majority of their listening on computer and maybe occasionally on a record player or CD player depending on their type of nostalgia. Alternately i was trying to portray why it would be easier to download music files as opposed to going into a record store and buying a bunch of albums. Although i think it may be advances in technology supporting my argument.

I used a number of quotes that i found on websites to represent my side of the arugment.


Typography being used to represent a visual arugment
