Customer: "Godt Brød" ecological bakery
Student work - packaging design
Target: People who buy bread at "Godt Brød" bakery

Solution: We wanted to make a packaging design to "Godt Brød" that would fit into their profile. We came up with the idea of making bread bags made out of ecological fabric that can easily be reused. The packaging information can easily be replaced by a new one. If you come back with your bread bag and the packaging tag, you will get a free cup of coffee from "Godt Brød". This enhances the bakeries own vision.

Photos: Camilla Kallestad (
Graphic Designer/AD: Jarle Wathne Johansen (
My role: Project manager/sewing assistent/concept developer
The packaging
On this tag you will find information about the bread, as well as an solicitation to bring the bag back to the bakery, where you will receive a free cup of coffee.
Pictures of the product
Web design
Godt Brød

Godt Brød

New bread basket and concept to "Godt Brød", a bakery in Norway.
