Kiwi kids now identify more with cartoon characters than what’s in our own backyards
Our younger generations are spending less time outdoors 
Lacking connection and empathy to our natural environment
Becoming increasingly reliant on technology and...
Struggling to make meaningful connections with each other
We need to promote a shift in our younger generations towards healthier overall Hauora’s
Encouraging our youth to; Explore and play outside
Interact more with their friends 
Use technology with more purposeful intent and...
Learn more about their natural environment
Heart of Stone is a mobile/ tablet-based app that is underpinned by the idea, 
Hauora (Wellbeing)
The application deploys location dependent quests to encourage children aged 8+ to play outside, to interact with their peers and to play creatively in a way that benefits the user(s)
To play HoS you must scan your Kin (toy purchased) in game so as to initiate your adventure, alongside friends and foes, in collecting resources, battling towering enemies and completing quests, all to cure the land in the name of your chosen Atua (God)
But why can’t I stay here and play mine craft..? 
Targeting psycho-graphics rather than demographics, looking primarily at youths (8 – 15) who spend more time on devices and less time outdoors  
But the game has a broader reach than just the primary audience, attracting parents, collectors, gamers and more...
You need to get outside more with your friends!
Parents, caregivers and other institutions whose primary interest is centered around youth wellbeing, 
such as Mental Health New Zealand 
HoS acts as a medium that allows users with addictive tendencies to be both outside in nature, whilst still being able to get their gaming fix
Origin Animation​​​​​​​
Advertisement Video
3D Printed Toys


Photos from Exposure
A Project by Scott Eng, Wiremu Smith and Ben Costeloe
Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

HoS a project by Scott Eng, Wiremu Smith and Ben Costeloe
