xun liu's profile

拯救大虾 Happy crayfish

销售模式:外卖为主,不做堂食,实体店作为活动互动中心和龙虾烘培派送工厂 面向客群:男女老少皆宜的热门小吃。

Brand background: crayfish take-away chain brand. In this case,
Sales model: take-away-oriented, do not make meals, the store as an interactive center and lobster baked delivery plant for the customer base: men and women popular snacks.
Core appeal: the joy of crayfish as the theme, "save the prawns" to save not shrimp, is not happy life!
Visual positioning: fashion fun, clear interaction, font design echoes entity lobster factory decoration with modern industrial style, the overall image of the two crayfish as the core, start interpretation, focusing on take-away packaging and physical store.

拯救大虾 Happy crayfish

拯救大虾 Happy crayfish

品牌背景:小龙虾外卖连锁品牌。  销售模式:外卖为主,不做堂食,实体店作为活动互动中心和龙虾烘培派送工厂 面向客群:男女老少皆宜的热门小吃。 核心诉求:以欢乐小龙虾为主题,“拯救大虾”拯救的不是虾,是不开心的生活! 视觉定位:时尚趣味,鲜明互动,字体设计呼应实体龙虾工厂装修具有现代工业风格 Read More
