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Guzz - 丛林之中遇见神庙 (temple encounter)

Motion Graphics
Excerpt from an interview about the video.

1. What is the world like in this video “Temple Encounter”? What are those curious creatures?

The location is an ancient temple garden which was abounded 230 years ago by unknown reasons. It's then been overgrown by trees and vegetation. Ghosts and spiritist of former monks and other people that lived at the temple is now dwelling here. Their ectoplasmic bodies and shapes are now roaming around the forest and fertilizing the tress with their powers making them into artifacts of nature. These esoteric creatures have the abilitets to change bodies once a tree reached it's highest spiritual form. They are then praising it forever. The video depicts this evolution.

2. How did you two come up with the idea of the visual? Is it based on your understanding of this track or did guzz communicate with you on what he wants to convey? What was the meeting of minds like, between audio and visual arts?

Guzz idea was basically to make something that resembled Angkor Wat in Cambodia. He told me he'd recently been there and was very fascinated by the place. I've never been there but it gave me a good idea of what he visioned. I knew an old temple spot in the forest nearby from were I live that have this sort of atmosphere so I went there filming with a drone and then started sketching on ideas. For Guzz it was important that certain parts of the track synced with the motion and visuals so I focused on constructing it after the pace and rhythm. The tracks starts with beats and drums for about two minutes and then suddenly becomes more dynamic. I based the video much on that. Like for the first two minutes the creatures are preparering to cultivate the trees - in some sort of rite -and then starting to fertilize it which eventually gives birth to an egg that burst out with swarms of spiritual particles that the trees absorbs.


Guzz - An Elephant in the Jungle Album is out now, buy on Do Hits Official Bandcamp and all good digital platforms.
Guzz - 丛林之中遇见神庙 (temple encounter)

Guzz - 丛林之中遇见神庙 (temple encounter)

music video for Chinese electronic artist Guzz.


Creative Fields