Profilo di Mariah Meawasige

Nibi Onji Traditional Canoe Journey Pamphlet

Niinbimaadizi/“I Am Alive” was created in collaboration with the Nibi Onji Journey; a traditional canoe journey along Lake Huron that sought to raise awareness and respect for the water. The work, which features an illustration of Lake Huron as a being, aims to explore the current struggle for water to be recognized as a living entity; legally and beyond. Cree syllabics (“I Am Alive”), a writing system thought to be developed by a group of cree in tandem with a colonialist, are purposely featured as an ironic ode to the parallel struggle of indigenous identity in the North American narrative. 
Nibi Onji Traditional Canoe Journey Pamphlet

Nibi Onji Traditional Canoe Journey Pamphlet

A postcard like pamphlet I created for the Nibi Onji Traditional Canoe Journey to be dispersed at the 2016 AFN Youth Summit.
