Project: “Garden of Wonders” - Kvadrat Showroom IMM Cologne
Date: December 2015 - January 2016 
In collaboration with: Werner Aisslinger, Tina Bunyaprasit, Katariina Minits, Patrick Bastiaan, Verena Hutter, Julia Walk, Tom Mudra
Specify contribution: Building off the hut. - 
Freelance work for Werner Aisslinger
This colourfull hut is a design by studio Aissliner for the Kvadrat showroom and for the Kvadat stand on the IMM design fair in Cologne. The hut is covered with textile from Kvadrat itself and therefor a playfull way of presenting their new textiles in an interactive way. Inside the hut the walls and floor are upholstered with warm colours and the outside with cold colours. The vertical shapes are lamellen that you can turn around. This hut is created in the studio by 5 people. It was a very interesting way to learn how such installations are made.
House of Wonders

House of Wonders
