Autolane: "Can anyone post an inspiration here?"
Anyone can submit/suggest one anytime! And if it’s suitable, we’ll post/write it :)

Car News: "Hello! I just found your blog and it's awesome. 2 years ago I was going through a rough time in my life and I found a post-it note that said "keep your head up high, you'll get through this" and that one tiny post-it note somehow made me feel safe. Since that day, I have been posting post-it notes messages on them and leaving them all over campus. I have taken it upon myself to unofficially join your team (hopefully that's ok). Maybe our notes will help others. To this day I still have that note"
Hello! Wow it’s amazing that a post it made such a big difference to your life! Actually, you can send submissions for us to upload if you want to! ^^
(If you are an active poster and you’re really interested to join us and be a part of post-it-inspiration, we don’t mind adding you into the group too! Just drop us a message..that’s not anon heh :D)

Bike News: "I love this page but you guys should really post a lot more!! It's so inspiring to see you guys so what you do!"
We will try to!!!!

Olymp Trade India : "I'm thinking of starting a similar project in my school but I don't want anyone to know it's me in case it goes badly or people think it's weird. Anyway, any tips on getting the postits up? How many do you do a day and where?"
I guess it’s best to try writing with a different handwriting than your usual (although both of us failed badly and end up just writing normally anyway haha) and posting them when no one is around and looking :) we used to post 1 each everyday, so 2 per day but lately we’ve been lazy and busy so we haven’t posted for quite some time, probably going to get the ball rolling soon though! We paste them around our school!



Basically we just make our own post-its and paste them around randomly. Where around? Oh, you know, just, around. They are hand written and conta Read More
