Who was it for?

Conran Design Group had conducted a piece of research about modern brands and the value of momentum. They canvassed 1,000 UK customers for their opinions of 100 popular brands to find out what the current climate is.

What was the brief?

I was tasked with bringing the project to life visually. There was a modularised six-stage process set up for projects, and a heap-load of raw data but it needed design work before it could be shown to potential clients.

What did I do?

I designed six icons that morph in a fluid motion and eventually loop to represent the process. I also animated the above promo sequence displaying key facts from the research to run as a teaser. The iconography was kept simple and anonymous with clean geometric shapes, whilst the animation was flowing and dynamic to suit the theme of brand momentum.
There's a couple of 3D tricks in the animation, for example when the cube hits the balls at the start. For that I used Cinema4D to get the collisions realistic and then rendered out object buffers to use as track mattes in After Effects. It was great fun to animate, ramping the tempo up and down using expressions and the graph editor in After Effects.

It was great opportunity to work with Japanese sound designer Cubesato, whose style suited the piece perfectly. He produced this bespoke soundtrack in response to the finished animation.
So what happened in the end?

The animation was sent out to companies around the UK and is followed up with an interactive and animated keynote presentation displaying the full infographics and research results.
Brand Momentum Teaser

Brand Momentum Teaser

A short animated teaser I created at Conran Design Group for a research piece on the current state of 100 popular brands.
