2much's profile

"pimp my bike" Painting a Motorcycle

"pimp my ride..." my 1st painting on a motorcycle
there's a dude called JP who pimped this great looking kawasaki. somehow he didn't like the eggshell yellow on the tank. so he came to me and asked me if i could paint something on it. something with a japanese touch.. 

i mixed up some gray tones in my markers and started painting... 

i hope to get some nice photographs of the whole bike soon. it look great assebled! this is one of the 1st projects i done that i'm happy with the result. hope to have more of them soon..

you find some more informations about the used material at the end of the page..

done... =)

thank you for looking at this project.. 

"pimp my bike" Painting a Motorcycle

"pimp my bike" Painting a Motorcycle

custom motorcycle tank painting
