Scott Gill profili

Cuff links - Raw and Unfiltered

Raw and Unfiltered Cufflinks
Natural materials. Natural processes.
These cuffinks came about as a result of a design competition.  The challenge was to design something - could be anything; I chose cufflinks - using as natural materials and processes as posible.  The bulk of the material is dried maple branches from my own yard.  The darker accent pieces are macassar ebony and gaboon ebony - small scraps that I had left over from another project.  All pieces were cut using no power tools.  The pieces are assembled using no glues or metal fasteners - the black piece of wood is wedged into a hole cut into the "T" piece, holding the whole thing tightly together.  I hope to add more pics showing the pieces disassembled.
Cuff links - Raw and Unfiltered
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Cuff links - Raw and Unfiltered

Cuff links - maple, macassar ebony and gaboon ebony. Handmade.

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