
I was contracted by Education New Zealand to design a logo for their Flying Kiwis programme. Flying Kiwis is a student exchange scheme for 15-16 year old students learning Spanish at school. The programme gives students the opportunity to live for six months in Chile and be immersed in the Spanish language.

My brief was to develop a logo that expressed the spirit of the Flying Kiwis scheme. I was asked to develop a design that was youthful, visually distinctive and appealing to students in this age-group. It was important for the logo to achieve the aim of symbolising Flying Kiwis, without resorting to hackneyed imagery, or New Zealand-kitsch.

The final design, is a dynamic, rather unconventional looking Kiwi in bright red, accompanied by bold type. The overall result is fresh and visually distinctive -this enables the Flying Kiwis students to be immediately identified by others.
Hoodie Design
Logo Specifications
Flying Kiwis

Flying Kiwis

I was asked to design a logo that would help promote Education New Zealand's exchange programme, the 'Flying Kiwis'.
