Eldar Zakirov's profile

Realistic FUR Brush set Workflow

Realistic FUR Photoshop Brush set in workflow


Just created this 4 minute video to show how these brushes work.
The Brush set I created during some years to quckly  paint perfect fur and fluff while working on animals, furries

Here we go...

I can be proud that I'm reached this goal — I used these brushes in various combinations working on illustrations for scientifical magazines or cat art portraits, mythic animals. I'm ready to share this tool with you, if you paint in Photoshop. The price is $10


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DeviantAtt (for DA Points) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

ALL BRUSHES WERE TESTED. Acceptable by all Photoshop versions
(at least, since CS)
You'll receive the ABR (Adobe Photoshop Brushes file).

How to use it:
1. After downloading the file unzip it.
2. Start your Photoshop.
3. Activate the "Brush" tool.
4. Press F5 and then click on the "Brush Presets" button in the just opened window with brush settings.
5. In the opened window with brush presets find the little arrow in the upper righr corner. After clicking on them, choose "Load Brushes..." in the drop list.
6. In the opened file browser find downloaded brushset (EldarZakirov's Fur Brushset 2015.abr) and double click it.
7. Now your brushes are awailable in the brush list in its' end and ready for using.
8. Enjoy and create a great work!

Thank you for watching!

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Realistic FUR Brush set Workflow

Realistic FUR Brush set Workflow

Realistic FUR Brush Set Demonstration video and introduce
