Concept & designs for the Bêhance Portfolio Reviews / 2014

RICE CREATIVE was given the opportunity to host the Bêhance Portfolio Reviews in Hô Chi Minh City, Vietnam for 2014. Trying to capture the unique and inspiring spirit of modern day's Sài Gòn and staying true to Bêhance's clear identity, the visuals combined the wild mix of chaos and order that the city is known for. Centerpoint was the prominent accent in the city's name, becoming a character in it's own. 

Sadly, after merging two Portfolio Reviews in the same city, in the end the second event's visual concept was used. 

This project was part of my second design journey while staying with RICE CREATIVE in Hô Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Behance Portfolio Reviews

Behance Portfolio Reviews

Concept & designs for the Bêhance Portfolio Reviews / 2014
