Profilo di Candice Conner

Defacing "The Sixties Repeats Itself"

1965 | By the autumn of 1965 the US military had already lost 650 men in Vietnam and the killing rapidly escalated. Seven US planes were downed in one day. Civilian deaths increased. Permission was given to use teargas. On October 30, jets bombed a friendly Village, killing 48 inhabitants. Pictured, a Marine carries a wounded Vietnamese child.
1961 | The killing of Patrice Lumumba, Marxist Premier of the Congo, brought no relief to the people. Katangan troops put members of the Baluba Jeunesse (Young Fighters) to fight outside the US consulate.
1962 | James Meredith became the first African-American to be admitted to the University of Mississippi though it took several 0marshals to facilitate his entry. An effigy of Meredith hangs beneath the confederate flag at the University.
1962 | The opposing cultures of freedom and oppression thought on in the southern states.
1968 | A disastrous famine and West Africa led to the province of Biafra seceding from federal Nigeria in 1967. in the better Civil War that followed, millions died from hunger, thousands more were killed. Pictured is a starving child in a Nigerian refugee camp.
1968 | The Prague Spring was an attempt at liberalization and reform by Communist leader Alexander Dubcek. Once again Soviet reaction with swift and brutal. Pictured, Prague citizens carrying Czech national flags take on Soviet tanks.
1965 | The space race took a step forward with the first spacewalks by cosmonauts from the USSR in the USA. Pictured is Edward White, the first to American to walk in space, 100 miles above earth.
1965 | Racial violence exploded in the predominately black district of Watts, Los Angeles. Thirty people were killed, hundreds injured and 2,000 arrested in rioting and looting that lasted five days. pictured are some of the 20,000 National Guardsmen drafted into Watts between August 10th and 15th.
1964 | Martin Luther King Junior had to scrap to Mississippi as "sweltering in injustice quote. In June 1964 three civil rights workers disappeared. Their bodies were found weeks later in Neshoba County, Mississippi in the burnt-out station wagon in which the three were last seen alive. Pictured, protesters at the Democratic national convention hold posters of the victims. From left to right- Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner.
1967 | Although not only the only city to be hit by unrest in the summer of 1967, the riots in Detroit where the most violent, with dozens of people killed. Mayor Jerome P Cavanagh described his city as resembling Berlin in 1945. Pictured, police parade sniper suspects in an apartment building.
1968 | The theater sensation of 1968 was the tribal rock musical Hair, with peace, love, and nudity flowering onstage.
1967 | It became known as the Six Day War, a lightning strike by Israeli troops against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan following an Egyptian advance into the Sinai Desert. Within a week, the Israelis had occupied Sinai, the Gaza Strip, an old Jerusalem. Pictured is the first day of war, June 5. Israeli soldiers guard Egyptian prisoners in Rafah.
1966 | The war in Vietnam polarized opinions across the world. Lyndon B. Johnson brooded on the cost in dollars and lives, but backed the South Vietnamese regime. He told his troops to come home "safe and sound". Pictured is an anti-war demonstrator at a session of the HUAC in Washington DC.
1965 | Sixty days after receiving the Nobel Peace prize, Martin Luther King Jr. was in jail in Selma, Alabama. With others, he was organizing a march from Selma to Montgomery, to affirm black voting rights. Two attempts to March were beaten back. Pictured, the March are set out at last on March 21, 1965.
1965 | There was violent why opposition to the March, some of the words coming from local police. One of kings supporters, a Unitarian minister named James Reeb, was beaten to death in Selma. pictured a woman protester is being arrested outside the White House. A massive demonstration in Los Angeles congregated in protest of Reed's death.
Defacing "The Sixties Repeats Itself"

Defacing "The Sixties Repeats Itself"

Defacing "The Sixties in Pictures" is an ongoing series influenced by current pop culture in conjunction with events and images from the 60's. Th Leggi di più
