''In vino veritas'' performance 2015

Curated by: Nicoletta Braga
Participants: Rossana Bossini, Lenia Georgiou, Chrysoula Plakioti, 
Lilia Ruocco, Floida Skraqi. 

OFF / Out of Fabbrica
a project developed in the framework of Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale curated by Marco Trulli.

Azioni per Mediterranea 17
Curated by Massimo Mazzone, International Relations Office, Accademia di Brera, Milan.

Milan capital of the Mediterranean From October 22nd to November 22nd 2015, the
“Fabbrica del Vapore” (Via Procaccini 4) will host MEDITERRANEA 17 YOUNG ARTISTS BIENNALE, a multidisciplinary international event, curated by Andrea Bruciati, promoted by BJCEM and the Municipality of Milan, in collaboration with Arci and the Patronage of Fondazione Cariplo. The exhibition is included in the “Expo in citt{” calendar, a programme of initiatives that will animate the cultural life of Milan during the semester of the Universal Exhibition. 

In one of the most representative place for contemporary creativity, 300 creative talents under 35, coming from all the Mediterranean area, will present their artworks, following the main theme of this edition of the Mediterranean Biennale: No Food’s Land. 

The protagonists of this event will arrive at “Fabbrica del Vapore” after having passed a selection made by commissions in each country members of the network Bjcem, which includes civil society organisations, local and national authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Montenegro, Palestine, Portugal, Republic of San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and Austria, Kosovo, Israel and U.K as external members. The projects include a wide range of form of expressions, such as visual arts and applied arts (Architecture, Industrial Design, Web Design, Fashion, Digital Creation), storytelling, performance (Theatre, Dance, Metropolitan Performance), music, cinema and gastronomy. 

The concept of Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale, No Food’s Land, is based on the quotation from Shakespeare’s Hamlet “That monster, who all sense doth eat” (Hamlet, IV, III). “The idea was to create an analogy – states Andrea Bruciati – between the digestive process and the creative process according to the well-known Bard which for me is a metaphor of the cognitive process of the artist and of the constant and almost pantagruelian transformation of the reality that the artist put in place”. 

The artistic practice can be in some way connected to the assimilation and the corporal digestion of food that becomes nutrition. In fact the artist moves from the abstract idea to its concrete creation, producing an energetic and vital transformation. 

Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale will be ideally introduced, from October 16th until October 25th, by OFF - Out of Fabbrica, a project curated by Marco Trulli, promoted by Arci, with the support of the Municipality of Milan and the Patronage of Fondazione Cariplo. OFF – Out of Fabbrica will present events, workshop and residencies, able to stimulate interactions between young artists coming from the Mediterranean and the socio-cultural context of Milan. The program is available online at http://mediterraneabiennial.org.

MEDITERRANEA 17 – YOUNG ARTISTS BIENNALE No Food’s Land. The world after EXPO Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan (via Procaccini 4) October 22nd - November 22nd 2015 

Opening: Thursday, October 22nd, 18:00 Opening hours: 23/24/25 October 11 am – 12pm 26th October closed From 27th October to 22nd November Monday to Friday 3pm – 7.30pm Saturday to Sunday 11am – 7.30 pm
OFF/OUT OF FABBRICA invitation and program.
In vino Veritas

In vino Veritas

''In vino veritas'' performance 2015. From 16/10 to 25/10 will take place OFF – Out of Factory, a series of events, workshops and residences cur Další informace
