planet page
On this page the user has an overview over the selected planet and its contents, like what type of plant the selected one is and how much moons he has.
By clicking the "type" panel of the planet the user is shown some additional information about the condition of the planet.
If the moon panel gets selected, a closer look can be taken on the different data we have about the various moons.
The images show examples from a gallery for this specific planet which can be looked at.
mission overview
The contents seen on this page show a short overview over the whole mission.
Contents like the photo gallery are clickable and lead to a gallery page.
This page displays every photo taken on the whole mission duration.
The upper third of the sidebar also shows a description for each photography.

detailed technical view
The user has the oppertunity to take a look at the different parts of the rocket and the space probe.
By selecting certain parts on the illustrated rocket or space probe one is able to view additional information about it on the sidebar.
mission log
After 'starting' the rocket, the user gets a detailled mission overview.
The mission overview consists of the date and a text field.
The text field explaines what happend on each displayed date.
programs used
Space Probes

Space Probes

How many space missions are there? What are the results of the different missions? In our project we visualized our solar sytem, the Saturn and 자세히 보기
