Oliver say's profile

Atmosphere Contracts Workwall Renders

A project carried out for Atmosphere Contracts
This is a project I have just finished for a client for a new range of furniture. I only had four evenings to produce the project but hope to produce a small video to go with it soon when I have some more time, I will also post some links to some bigger Hi res versions on my site asap.

Originally I was planning to do some very simple studio shots as but I had this scene in mind and thought it would make it a little more interesting but at the same time keep the project as minimal as possible as the client didn't want any objects on the furniture just very clean and simple.

The project was produced in 3DS Max 2012 and rendered with Vray, any post was done in Photoshop.
For the lighting I tried to take the most simple route and when't for a home made HDRI with some photometric lights thrown in to give some more depth.

I have to say a big thanks to Stefano Ciarrocchi (Doc3d.it) for helping me model the leg as it took way beyond my modelling experience.

I hope in the next few weeks the models for this range of furniture will be available for free from my clients site once they are up I will post a link and I am also considering doing the same for this scene too.

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Atmosphere Contracts Workwall Renders

Atmosphere Contracts Workwall Renders

This is a project I have just finished for a client for a new range of furniture. I only had four evenings to produce the project but hope to pro Read More
