Packshet: Jousting
I was given an assignment. I did the whole project myself. First I came up with the idea and drew the storyboard frame by frame. After approval, I sketched a rough animation in 3D Max, which I edited a bit. The core of the reel was the smoke, which was made in 3D Max with Fume FX. I had to make several sources of smoke behavior to optimize the process and it looked good. Then came the period of tweaking the picture to perfection - lights, camera, animation, basically everything. And the final thing is the compoz in AE.

I won't show a storyboard, I will show аниматик at once. It has turned out such...
I will show couple more a render of pictures. Which created for the statement of textures...
The finish of a roller can be seen above. And it, so to stand out...
Packshet: Jousting

Packshet: Jousting

Project for DTV-MA. Pakset do all completely from the beginning to the end. From drawn storyboards to the finish line.
