Profiel van Lazar Dimitrijevic

Poster for the bakery Product of Wheat


Poster for the bakery from Serbia. Released in 2010.
Design by Lazar Dimitrijevic | Design Studio Box


The poster of  “Žitoprodukt” is part of a campaign for similar bakery cordon in Serbia. The whole campaign was rеlised in Design studio Box, in 2010. We used “Snail”, “Snail” like one of the baker’s product from an assortment of our client, as an inspiration for baseline idea from which whole campaign ensued. That campaign, for main aim, has had to represent all groups of pastry. By typography game with letters which we made of dough, in combination with mixed products, like “Snail”, “Sun”, “Moon”, “Horseshoe”, we made all fairy tale world with rosy landscapes of pastry. In this occasion, for the first time, we were tried to knead all that dough. For that reason, we can say,  that all pastry which you can see, does not really look like that. So, we used Photoshop, which helped us to make our burned pastry seems more beautiful and tasty. Font, which was used for typing, is font named “Fairy tale”, which is my own personal script, and which contributed for stronger fairy tale sensation.

Thanks for watching!

Poster for the bakery Product of Wheat


Poster for the bakery Product of Wheat

Poster for the bakery Product of Wheat
