Artless brilliance is a combination of words I found to sound beautiful. Artless (adj.) is a less commonly known word, meaning innocent or naive. For brilliance to be innocent is conveyed in this typographical illustration, with artless having a white, muted tone, and brilliance being filled with stroke and geometric shapes to emphasize the contrast.
This illustration is simple and highlights the meanings of "fly." While fly is used literally in reference to the birds, it is often metaphorically used to indicate a blossoming or a breaking of pattern. Towards the end of the word, the birds begin to break the rigid formation and be free.
"Ephemeral," meaning fleeting, is undercut by faded watercolor strokes to indicate that it may soon fade away as more and more strokes pile on.
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Practice using various methods to achieve a unique typography for my portfolio! The trend I have used is highlighting a word's meaning. Artless Read More
