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Real African Voodoo: History, origin, rituals and its r

History and Origin of voodoo

Voodoo is a mysterious religion that is found in parts of Africa, South America and West Indies. The word voodoo means “spirit”. The followers are founded in Togo, Benin and Nigeria. Also people in US cities and South American are preachers of Voodoo. Today around  60 million people practice around the world.
Slaves when brought to Brazil and West indies from Africa, they brought the religion with themselves.
During Christian and Muslims domination in 17 to 19th century, voodoo followers were suppressed. When baptized by Roman Catholic they formed secret societies called voodoo orders to worship their ancestors religion.  History tells us that it date 6000 years back to history.
Besides its other beliefs, one of the aim of voodoo followers to make contact spirits and ghosts. It is due to the reason that some of its operator’s turns towards black magic.
For Further Voodoo
Brief History of Voodoo
Origin of Voodoo " A path to reconcile with spirits"

Voodoo Rituals

The main purpose of the voodoo rituals to evoke the Loa (spirits, gods), offer them gifts and sacrifices and gain their favor interms of more food, health and good fortune. Voodoo rituals are celebrated on weedings, deathts births and other different occasions.  It mainly consists of dance, sacred chants, sacrifies etc.
To learn more about real African voodoo rituals please follow African voodoo rituals and evil attendance 

Real Photographs of African Voodoo

Figure 4 shows the real voodoo Sorcerers. Performing voodoo is not an easy task. It takes years and years of study and training in order to perform Voodoo and control the evoked entity. 
Figure 5 shows ornaments or accessories called gris gris whose purpose is to protect the wearer from bad fortune and negativity.
The detail photographs with description are shown on the following link

Real African Voodoo: History, origin, rituals and its r

Real African Voodoo: History, origin, rituals and its r

One ot the most mysterious religon "Voodoo" and its relation with the black magic and reconciliation with spirits
