NHAN LE's profile

Go home late (Tokyo 2007)

Hello everybody !
This is the latest personal project of mine. I do this job just to dedicate my wife. It was the evening that she went home lateunder a lot of lights after a little rain. It's hard to describe the feelings at the sight of her hard work. I love Japan a lot, especially the light of lanterns at night. This is a small neighborhood in Tokyo, surrounded by pubs. Tokyo inspired me so strong, I was exciting to see the light of lanterns and billboards here.
97% is the model by me. I started doing this work from figures 0, I have to model everything. I used 3dsmax SpeedTree and a little ZBrush to model. Rendering in vray. This is a fully CG environment. There is a bit of adjusting the color and light effects in photoshop, image was rendered in 5700 × 3806 pixels.
Enjoy and hope you like it!
Please feel free to check out the making-of video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P96ZU_Ilx9o  (Full HD)



Go home late (Tokyo 2007)

Go home late (Tokyo 2007)

I used 3dsmax SpeedTree and a little ZBrush to model. Rendering in vray. This is a fully CG environment. There is a bit of adjusting the color an Read More
