Blog Posts

The hibu blog has the tall task of making digital marketing engaging to people who don't know how engaging digital marketing can be. I try to write articles that would appeal to visitors to the blog while staying true to the digital marketing/small business focus of the business.
Your email list is your most valuable and important collection of customers (both current and potential), and it’s crucial for your small business to find a way to build and manage that list.MailChimp to the rescue! With drag-and-drop features, dozens of free templates, and the ability to customize your email campaigns, this tool has the potential to revolutionize your marketing. Not bad for zero dollars.
“But wait a minute,” you say, “I have a website that looks fine on my computer, why isn’t that enough?” Because in April 2015 – and again in May 2016 – Google updated its algorithm to reward mobile-friendly sites. When you combine that with the fact that more than 50% of all searches are done using mobile devices,4 it’s easy to see that not having a mobile-friendly site will not only hurt your SEO, but could cost you business too.
You should check to see if your website is mobile friendly ASAP. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, let us show you how to check your mobile website design in just 5 seconds.
Twitter recently released a new wave of changes to their social network. If you are new to Twitter or just a little #confused, here’s a list of some of the most recent changes, and what they mean for you and your tweets.


Contributions to the Hibu Blog.

