The Kingdom of Suburbia
A project about the cities around the big cities
This is a project about the Kingdom of Suburbia .
The buildings, the spaces between them, and the people between the spaces.
The Kingdom of Suburbia has no history and no flag. No borders and no anthem. But the people know they are part of the Kingdom. The Kingdom accepts immigrants but it doesn't give opportunities for the ones who want to escape.
Lisbon is Lisbon because of the Tagus river. But on the other side of this river lies another city. Nobody goes there. There is no reason for it. Behind the cliff that rises from the water lies the dormitory of Lisbon.

The capital has its suburbs, as every large cit. This one shares the same river but not the fame and glamour of the other side. One is a capital, the other is a suburb. One has money, history, a name. The other one, well, is a suburb. One of them.
Kingdom of Suburbia

Kingdom of Suburbia

This is a project about the Kingdom of Suburbia . The buildings, the spaces between them, and the people between the spaces. The Kingdom of Sub Развернуть
