November 2011
Time – a physical quantity that can be quantified by measurement, which can be useful in everyday life as well as scientific discovery. One normally measures time with clocks and calendars. I chose to explore another measuring device — Light.

It was Galileo’s position that light travels instantaneously, as he easily explained by distant artillery fire. With this position, however, he observed light traveled faster than sound. In 1967, half a century after Galileo’s conclusion, Danish astronomer, Ole Rømer used the speed of light as a means to measure Jupiter’s moons; his deduction was overestimated. Newton continued the work and concluded light takes seven to eight minutes to travel from the sun to the earth, which to this day, is believed to be the correct measurement.

During grade school students learn how the speed of light is used to calculate distances in space – distances of which very few would have the opportunity to experience. The goal of this work is to allow the viewer an opportunity to experience how the speed of light can be used as a measurement tool on a much smaller scale.

By examining common light sources this series works through a formula to identify a quotient to help the viewer arrive at a deeper understanding of the speed of light. Other areas explored through this work are the aspect of manufactured light and the methods used to explain lights qualities.
Time – a physical quantity that can be quantified by measurement, which can be useful in everyday life as well as scientific discovery. One normally measures time with clocks and calendars. I chose to explore another measuring device — Light.

Drawing inspiration from Jay Gould (, I incorporated scientific information that I recreated using my graphic design skills. All of the information in each image explains the type of light waves and how humans utilize the light in both everyday life and science. 
Speed of Light

Speed of Light

This project was created for an advanced digital Imaging course.


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