Kirsty Ho's profile

Self-Promotional Project


A project started near the end of 2015 that is potentially a way of promoting myself as an illustrator and designer. The idea behind this is simplicity. As a designer I know my styles; clean, simple and orderly; this is shown through a clean font and limited colour choice. However, I also believe that as a designer, there should be no limitations, but rather a feeling of expression and individuality; this is now shown through the hand-painted brush stroke that is featured in the logo. 

A logo should be a quick representation of oneself, and through mine, I hope to show that I am not just an illustrator who sticks to one limited principle, but rather one who is open to change, open to experimentation and open to exploration.
- photos to follow soon -
Self-Promotional Project

Self-Promotional Project

A self-branding and promotional project that is potentially a way of describing myself. This was started and finished in 2015, and I hope since t Read More
