Colette X Vilhelm

Vilhelm was already a friend of ours. Colette is equally irresistible and when the two decided to work together we were thrilled to be a part. Two strong brands, merging their personalities into one unique scent. Our task in this collab was the launch of the scent, Colette X Vilhelm, along with creating the design for a window display in Colette store, facing 213 rue Saint-Honoré, Paris.

Our idea was to find a way for the two brands to marry, allowing them to strengthen each other. There is a strong connection, and association, between scent and color, which was why we decided to combine Colette’s fresh colors of blue and white with the warmth of Vilhelm yellow.

For the window display our strategy was, rather than filling the window with hundreds of bottles, to let something quite spectacular and voluminous introduce one small perfume bottle. It is also an illustration of how a scent travels. We have used Vilhelm’s graphic expression and scaled it up, into a large physical collage, making the otherwise two-dimensional into something three-dimensional.

Colette X Vilhelm

Colette X Vilhelm

Launching the scent of a strong fusion
