Henkilön Urszula Kozak profiili

Żarnowiec nuclear power plant

Żarnowiec Nuclear Power Plant  /  Elektrownia Jądrowa Żarnowiec
Performance documentation i made in the nuclear power plant Żarnowiec wich has been abandoned after the catastrophe in Chernobyl. By putting a fragile body in contrast with the concrete and metal walls i wanted to stimulate the viewers imagination and freedom of emotional interpretation of this immersive act. This work isn't only about nuclear energy but also about new, industrial and nuclear technologies and how a individual human being relates with technology.
The video won Grand Prix - INspiracje 2014 (Szczecin) and was shown on individual and group exibiotions exibitions in galleries like Stara Wozownia (Toruń), 13 Muz (Szczecin), Nowa Kolonia Artystów (Gdańsk), R46  (Wrocław), Znajomi znad morza Wro (Wrocław).

Żarnowiec nuclear power plant

Żarnowiec nuclear power plant

Performance documentation
