— Shitty Letters

The goal of this project was to design a series of letters and numbers without completely stressing myself. In the past I dabbled with doing a 36 days of type and number challenge, but never trusted that I could dedicate every single day to drawing. I mean, things pop up. However, I finally decided it was time to at least "do it" in some form or another. That I where I came up the concept of Shitty Letters. I committed myself to completing this even if I skip a day or do a few in one. That is the beauty of the experiment. It needed to be organic. As a bonus, I thought of an interesting word as a base and went from there. It added an interesting angle that made it more fun. With that said, please enjoy my shitty, yet delicately crafted letter project. 
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Shitty Letters

Shitty Letters

A completely hand drawn alphabet. The goal was to minimize the time spent and really just design whatever came to mind. A mix between half-ass an Rozwiń
