Profil von Heikki Leis

Teenager exorcist

These photos are a sequel to my previous photo-series titled "Possessed". Possessed depicted a character who had no control over what he did. He was indeed possessed. The present series depict the polar opposite- a very self-aware and oriented movement and action. These photos tell a story of a young girl`s wandering and attempts to fit into this extraordinary world surrounding as. She knows exactly what she is doing and is the one making the decisions to be how she is. By being a full participant in the frame, she is exorcising the demons from everywhere around here.
All photos have been taken in analoque with a plate camera onto 4 x 5 film plane.

This series has traveled through three different exhibition venues. 
It's been my dream for a long time to display photos in a forest to see how they work in the autumn nature.

Teenager exorcist

Teenager exorcist

My new project "Teenager exorcist". All photos have been taken in analoque with a plate camera onto 4 x 5 plane.
