Perfil de Ludwig Mattsson

Blekingegatan 16

Blekingegatan 16

During the past year, PJADAD and Ludwig Mattsson has developed an architectural structure working as a platform for working, eating and drinking.
     The structure is based on a basic shape, a cube that measures 40x40x40 cm (CC). The questions surrounding the project has revolved around the choice of either standing firm as a concept or letting aesthetic formulas rule the process, leading to a continous dialogue during the construction. Because of the unusual and asymmetric shape of the space, the result is a product of this dialogue and compromise. The idea behind the concept of an inverted kitchen came from the dialogue and design-based project Collaborative Cooking, a project that was executed in 2013 by PJADAD and Christian Isberg.

Photography: Henrik Petersson
More info at Blekingegatan16.

Thanks for looking! 

Blekingegatan 16

Blekingegatan 16

During the past year, PJADAD and Ludwig Mattsson has developed an architectural structure working as a platform for working, eating and drinking. Leer más
