martin molina 님의 프로필

Centro Balear Branding

Centro Balear

Centro Balear created with the aim of gathering in one space to employers and employees in order to be the link between the two, by providing a facility where they can implement their business, have meeting rooms and take training courses.

At the same time TIT are derived; temporary employment, TEIS; consulting and search for new talent,; website offering new job and INNERCIA; company creation of technological and strategic projects.

Within this identity we start from an umbrella brand of the four sub-brands in which each has a different personality that conveys the essence of your business emerge. Centro Balear, the union of the Balearic Islands. TIT, proactivity in seeking employment. TEIS, seriousness and confidence of a Headhunter. Balearic Jobs, freshness Internet. Innercia, technology and human talent together.

Centro Balear Branding

Centro Balear Branding

Centro Balear Branding Centro Balear created with the aim of gathering in one space to employers and employees in order to be the link between t 자세히 보기
