Introducing enLumi!

There are two parts to enLumi - 1) the small disc installed under any bulb and 2) a mobile app to interact with the bulb. The disc is placed in the socket and the bulb is screwed in as normal. The disc communicates to the mobile app. This allows the user to see if a light is on or off, how many hours the bulb has been in use and how soon the bulb should be replaced. The discs would be purchased in sets of ten and would include a code to unlock the app.

Once a bulb has burnt out, the app notifies the user. The app shows which kind of bulb needs to be purchased by showing the watts, the type of bulb and the type of light. (For example: 60 watt, halogen, soft white)

Here are my pre-production notes. 
(I created these notes in Notability with my Intous Wacom Tablet.)

This is the landing page for the mobile app.
This is the House Summary page for the app. This shows the rooms a user has created, how many lights have been assigned to the room, which lights are on and which are off. The user can select a room to see the details of that room and can turn lights on and off.
This is the room detail screen of the app. Here users can see which bulbs they have added to the room, turn lights on/off by double clicking the light icon, and use the gauge to see if bulbs need to be replaced or not.


enLumi is a mobile app that works with discs installed under common light bulbs to allow users to see when bulbs need to be replaced, turn lights Read More
