Perfil de Nick Sheeran

Atmosphere Webinar Campaign

To prepare for an upcoming Protochips webinar, I was tasked with creating a campaign that was distributed through printed and digital mediums. 

Each piece pulls from the company's library of material, which includes 3D renderings and illustrations designed in collaboration with contractors. Kong Lor, who oversees design, is responsible for all photography seen.
I began with a web banner created using a combination of Wordpress controls and raw code. 
This online ad (336x280px) was published on the website of a major online scientific community. Their reps debriefed our team after the campaign so that we could learn more about design and performance optimization for these specific circumstances.
Duplex handouts were distributed at trade shows. We are fortunate to work so closely with scientists, so that infographics such as the one I made here can be included in promotional materials. 
Atmosphere Webinar Campaign
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Atmosphere Webinar Campaign

Art direction and design for Protochips, an in situ electron microscopy company located in North Carolina's Research Triangle Park.

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