Beleaf® Hydroponics
We worked in this project ever since the development of the company’s name. The idea was simple: to unite the green generation. “Beleaf”: you need/want to change your eating habits, you need to change the way you think. You need to be more natural. Be natural, Beleaf! We aimed for a design that would refer to the product manufacturing, creating unique typography and icons for the project.
Trabalhamos nesse projeto desde o desenvolvimento do nome da empresa. A ideia foi simples, unir-se a geração verde. Ou seja, "beleaf", você quer/precisa mudar seus hábitos alimentares, você precisa mudar seu jeito de pensar. Você precisa ser mais natural. Be Natural, Beleaf!
The project on:
Edit December 2016: The final press. 
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Beleaf® Hydroponics


Beleaf® Hydroponics

Naming and identity process to Hydroponics farm based in Prudentópolis/PR.
