r/Nottheonion is a subreddit on Reddit where people post (real) articles and news stories that could to be published by the satirical news site The Onion, but sadly isn't. These are some of those articles illustrated.

Ongoing project

"Melbourne crime boss accidentally shot himself in the testicle"
"Hate standing in line? Japan now has self-driving chairs"
"Florida Deputy Accused Of Tasing Woman, Baking Her 'Sorry I Tased You' Cake"
"Teenagers will eat veggies—if you tell them they’re sticking it to the man"
"High-speed chase suspect shoots out own tires, ends pursuit"
"Lobster Festival Forced To Eat Hotdogs Instead After Air Canada Loses Lobsters"
Thank you for watching!

Not the Onion

Not the Onion

r/Nottheonion is a subreddit on Reddit where people post (real) articles and news stories that could to be published by the satirical news site T Meer lezen
