Perfil de sandip vane

Brand Value Internalisation

Disseminate the VALUES of IDFC Bank amongst the employees. Needed to not only act as refresher course but also needed to be relatable with the employees.

IDFC Bank’s ethos is based on ‘Doing Things Differently’, with an ingrained Indian flavour. This was the starting point to initiate the Values campaign.
The campaign resided on the primary thought of ‘Slice of IDFC Life’, which was brought alive by the contemporary Madhubani art comic strips. Each value was further broken down with relevant examples for the employee to make a direct correlation.

The comic strips were used in multiple communications and were very well received by the employees. 
Brand Value Internalisation

Brand Value Internalisation

Learn and practice IDFC bank brand values through day to day office situation. Medium: screen savers, emailer and contest
