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Share ANE

Enable the share to menu to send files to other applications. One simple line to display the built-in native share dialogs allowing your user to share files and content with other applications.

For example, the user could use this to:
- save an image to the camera roll,
- send as an attachment on an email,
- or save a pdf to Dropbox.

Additionally this ANE now has the ability to launch other applications on the user's device allowing you to deeply integrate with other applications. You can pass detailed extras to an explicit Intent on Android allowing amazing integration with other applications, launching specific views in other applications or sending detailed information for another application to use within an activity.

As with all our extensions you get access to a year of support and updates as we are continually improving and updating the extensions for OS updates and feature requests.

Share ANE

Share ANE

Enable the share to menu to send files to other applications. One simple line to display the built-in native share dialogs allowing your user to Read More
