Emmi Malkki sin profil

Commissions - graphic design

A simple etiquette for wool socks commissioned by VihreƤ Vyyhti.Ā July 2015.
Book cover and logo for my sister's doctoral dissertation.Ā Spring 2014.
Logo sketchesĀ during my internship at Logiosto. January 2013.
Logo designs, commissioned by Toysox.Ā Spring 2013.
"Boys and women's fall collectionĀ 2014" and "Men's weekend underwearĀ collection 2013".
Commissioned by Toysox.
Commissions - graphic design

Commissions - graphic design

Graphic design related commissions, such as logos, etiquette design and print design, done for different clients throughout the years.


Kreative omrƄder