Puerto Rican Institute for Arts's profile

2016- NE Apprenticeship Program (Final Demonstration).

Traditional Saints and free Expression  from Puerto Rico
 to Rhode Island

Under The Southern New England Traditional Arts apprenticeship program, (SNETAAP), Master/artisan Carlos Santiago from Massachusetts transfers his knowledge to the apprentice Yidell Rivera; Puerto Rican heritage. The project began in January and ran through June 2016 with a great public event held on September  2016.

This project fosters the sharing of traditional (folk) artistic skills through the apprenticeship learning model of regular, intensive, one-on-one teaching by a master artist from either RI, MA, or CT with apprentices from one of the other states, as a way of knitting together members of the same community or group across state lines. Teaching and learning traditional arts help to sustain cultural expressions that are central to a community, while also strengthening festivals, arts activities, and events of which the master and apprentice artists will perform or demonstrate their results of cooperative learning to public audiences.  

The Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program at the Connecticut Historical Society manages the program in collaboration with the Folk Arts Program at the Massachusetts Cultural Council, with independent Folklorist Winifred Lambrecht. 

Primary funding for this amazing program came from the 
National Endowment for the Arts.
Lydia Perez, Winni Lambrecht, Folklorist, coordinate the NE apprenticeship program in RI  and Carlos Santiago, Master/Artisan
Carlos Santiago, Carving Saints Artisan from Puerto Rico
Yidell Rivera - Apprentice
Yidell Rivera introduces Saints of Puerto Rico made by her to Vivian Spencer,  Special Projects Coordinator, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.
L to R: Carlos Santiago, Lydia Perez and Luis Aponte, President of the Providence City Council
 Saints made by Lydia Perez.
L to R: Winnie Lambrecht, Mayor Jorge O. Elorza, Lydia Perez, Apprentice and Carlos Santiago, Master-Artisan
Lydia Perez, Founder/Executive Director of Puerto Rican Institute for the Arts & Advocacy and  Lic. Jorge O. Elorza, Mayor of Providence
Yidell Rivera shows Santos of Puerto Rico.
Master and Apprentices of Santos of Puerto Rico 2016 Program. Special Thanks, to Mrs. Nellie Gorbea, Secretary of State for her recognition to our contribution in our community.

American News en Español
Página 3
26 de Septiembre de 2016
2016- NE Apprenticeship Program (Final Demonstration).

2016- NE Apprenticeship Program (Final Demonstration).

Saints from Puerto Rico
