As part of my A level photography exam we were given a list of subjects to choose as part of that. I chose the subject 'Flesh'. As I wanted some sort of reaction and give a space for discussion (as the work was exhibited) I chose to look at animals and relate them to being used as food. By taking images of something as shocking as a pigs head would provoke people to think about the process of the food they are eating. It may make them realise how it is packaged in supermarkets disguising the reality and desensitizes them from what they are eating. 

From the image of myself with my fleshy cheek relating that to the joint of pork next to me would show there is little difference between both human and animals, showing an understanding that we are both in fact meat. 
Image of the pigs both dead and alive.  Many people choose to ignore where their food comes from so with this comparison would hopefully make them think whether they think that is right. 


As part of an A level exam based on the subject 'flesh'. I was awarded an "A" at A level photography.
