Etienne Raimondeau's profile

EMBL 15th PhD Symposium

EMBL 15th PhD Symposium Branding
The Symposium is an annual event, organised by first-year PhD students at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany. It brings together fellow students from around the world, for a 3-day series of talks by leading experts but also by students themselves.

I was responsible for the design of everything for the event from the logo, the poster to the cantine cards...

Poster promoting the event.
Abstract Book guiding the participants through the event schedule.
Extract of the sponsoring book used to pitch sponsors for the event.
Flyers distributed around various universities in Europe for the promotion of the event.
Bus schedule distributed in the 'welcome pack' of every participant.
Tshirts were design to distinguish the organizers from the participants.
Logo design using EMBL color scheme. The DNA with teeth represent the competition engulfing a bacteria.
Pictures of the event can be found on Facebook

Thanks for watching!
EMBL 15th PhD Symposium

EMBL 15th PhD Symposium
