Robin Casares sin profil

iHeartRadio Campaign

iHeartRadio Print & Web Campaign
This collection of collateral pieces was created to promote KB Home's involvement with the 2011 iHeartRadio Music Festival. I created a series of print ads, web banners and a digital billboard around the concept of "Rock the House," as a way of incorporating the ideas of 'home' and 'music' in an entertaining way that promoted both KB Home's  contest and the event itself. Especially challenging here was creating a cohesive series of images in a variety of shapes, sizes and medias.
160x600 pixel banner ad
300x250 pixel banner ad
400x600 pixel banner ad
720x300 pixel banner ad
728x90 pixel banner ad
Digital Billboard
Las Vegas Review Journal (newspaper) ad
iHeartRadio Campaign

iHeartRadio Campaign

iHeartRadio Prine and Web Campaign
