Nicholas Ostella profili

The International Typographic Style

Work in Progress #1: Getting basic shapes and gridding down, to help with the overall flow of the design to come.
WiP #2: Adding lorem ipsum to emulate the text I've written for design implementation later. Playing with the grid more as well as typographical elements.
WiP #3: A different variation with a stricter grid, this is before adjusting tracking/leading/kerning to help typographical flow.
WiP #4: At this point I have a solid idea of the design layout I'm going to stick with, I implement a rough draft of my article, as well as images indicative of the style I'm emulating.
WiP #5: More fine-tuning and adjusting, working with typefaces and different shapes to help the design flow.
Final: The final design, the example image has been changed to better represent the style, as well as various detail adjustments previous iterations overlooked. There are still some nuances I may go back in and fix, but for now this is the design I've settled on and am very comfortable presenting.
The International Typographic Style
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The International Typographic Style

A two-page spread intended to not only emulate the International Typographic Style but inform the reader of what it entails as well. This design Daha Fazla Bilgi

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